Tuesday, October 9, 2012

meet the mommy (post from facebook)

For those of you who don't know me, allow me to (finally) introduce myself! I'm the mommy. A 27 year old stay-at-home mommy, to be exact, of two little people: the girl (3.5, going on 16) and the boy (16 months on Wednesday and I PROTEST HI
M GROWING UP ANY FURTHER DAMMIT!). They are the banes of my existence, the loves of my life, and the basis for most of my ramblings.

The OTHER love of my life: the man. He was a sailor when we met; now he's a professional computer nerd, full-time student working on the title of valedictorian (again!), and the best husband and daddy anyone could ask for. We met in 2006, got married four months later, and so far are dispelling all the myths about young marriages being failed from the beginning. Suck it, society! We are based in northern San Diego, with our eyes on a tiny town in Alberta (long story...).

I've wanted to be a writer for a long time. When blogging became a "thing" I couldn't believe that people were actually getting paid to do it. I mean, seriously? Not that I'm complaining... if I can make this work for me, it'll be a freaking dream. Writing is a fairly effective therapy for me (I was diagnosed bipolar with anxiety disorder last year; writing helps me gather & collect my thoughts a little more easily), and since Facebook makes it so easy to make my own semi-anonymous page, I figure this is a good place to start.

My intent is to have a variety of topics posted here (and eventually to my webpage, which likely will be under construction until the end of time). Mainly it will be observations of inane child behavior, opinions that probably no one cares to hear, and quotes of the ridiculous things my kids say (the girl anyway; the boy has yet to utter a word and I'm losing hope that it'll ever happen). I also believe in sharing, so when I try a new recipe, it'll end up here, along with a review (I recommend reading the review before trying to the recipe... just in case). There will be stupid pictures with stupider quotes. There will be product reviews, because I am very curious about trying new things (I am not afraid to post a BAD review, either...be warned). I also love promoting companies/people that impress me, because I believe good business deserves a bit of free advertising. In a nutshell, my page will be a bit like a box of chocolates, except WITHOUT the nuts, because I'm actually deathly allergic.

I own a domain name! www.mommythatswhy.com exists. You can go to the page anytime you want. There's not a whole lot going on right now... as it turns out, building a website from the ground up is incredibly time consuming. I know there are geeks for that, but for some reason I look forward to being able to someday say I DID IT! Even if it's from an IP address in Canada, years from now...

That's about it. Oh, one more thing. I will never SET OUT to offend anyone, but I have a twisted sense of humor, so it may very well happen. I also never intend for anything political to be posted here, be it via a post or comment. That being said, if anyone has a problem with something on this page, please contact me PRIVATELY and I will check it out. I may not agree with you... but I will check it out. I will also make an effort to keep the language PG (you're welcome mommy!).

I think that's enough. I'm not convinced Facebook will allow me to post this much at once. Coming up next, some shameless promotion of friends' pages. Huzzah!

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